NUENCE Quel est votre type de peau?

The Nuence range is organized by skin type. It is therefore important to give you some information to choose the right product.
There are 4 types of skin: dry, normal, combination and oily.

However, you must also take into account that your skin changes throughout the day, as well as with hormonal cycles, the cycle of the seasons and the cycle of life.
You must therefore check the “condition” of your skin regularly and adapt the choice of your morning and evening cream.

Your skin may also be sensitive and therefore reactive to certain ingredients, such as the fragrances of certain creams or preservatives. This sensitivity can be exacerbated by external and internal factors. We talk about this a little further down in the article.

In summary, it’s better to know how to detect what your skin needs at the moment!

Les differents types de peau

Factors influencing skin condition

The condition of the skin is linked to its ability to produce more or less sebum, as well as the level of water it contains: hydration.

  • Sebum: This oily substance is produced by the sebaceous glands present under the epidermis. These glands are distributed over the face and neck and are most numerous in the T zone (forehead, nose, chin). This explains the frequent concentration of blackheads and pimples in this area.

How does Sebum production vary and what influences this production?

- Above all, there is a genetic component.
- Diet is also a very influential factor. A diet that is too sweet will lead to hyper-secretion (fast sugars but also slow sugars).
- Hormones are another element that acts on the sebaceous glands and therefore your skin will not be in the same state throughout your hormonal cycle.
- Age is also a determining factor which generally contributes to hypo-production of sebum and a tendency to have drier skin as we age.
- Climatic factors: the sun (UV), the cold, the humidity level disrupt the secretion of sebum.

  • Hydration: Do not confuse dry skin and dehydrated skin. If the appearance is similar, the means to remedy it differ. Dehydrated skin is a transient state. This state manifests itself during windy days, extreme cold, or on the contrary in summer when you are exposed to solar radiation.

You have understood, these factors (and many others such as air pollution, stress, your beauty routine, etc.) will act on your skin and influence its condition.

Les etats de la peau

How to recognize your skin type, condition and which Nuence product to use?


  • Normal skin: Normal skin has barely visible or dilated pores, including in the T zone. The skin is smooth or has a few rare imperfections such as small cysts or small brownish spots.

If you have normal skin Nuence recommends that you integrate the EARTH range into your routine. It will also suit you if your complexion seems dull.

  • Oily Skin: Oily skin is easy to identify. They have dilated pores and the presence of comedones. The skin texture is irregular, and the skin tends to shine.
  • Combination Skin: This skin type is the most common. The T zone (forehead, nose, chin) has the properties of oily skin, the cheeks and neck are areas of dry skin.

If you have oily or combination skin: Nuence recommends the WOOD range.

  • Dry Skin: Dry skin often has few visible pores. The skin feels permanently tight. The lack of Sebum production leads to the formation of wrinkles more quickly, the skin is less toned. This phenomenon increases with age.

If you have dry skin: Nuence recommends the WATER range.


  • Dehydrated skin: Occasionally you feel tightness in the cheeks, a few fine lines appear on the forehead for example. This condition occurs when your epidermis cannot retain enough water. It is therefore necessary to repair the superficial hydro-lipid film with lipid-replenishing agents.

The 5 Nuence face creams all contain lipid-replenishing agents such as, for example, glycerin, hazelnut oil, olive oil, shea butter. Daily use of your Nuence cream (adapted to your skin type) will prevent temporary dehydration and the feeling of tightness.

  • Dull skin: When you notice that your complexion is less smooth, mottled, seems demineralized, or gives the impression of not breathing, the METAL range and its Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba and Bamboo Herb trio will restore radiance to your skin.

Ideally apply in the morning alternating with your Nuence cream dedicated to your skin.

  • Sensitive skin: If you tend to have redness and skin reactions that are too fast and too strong, your skin is reactive and more sensitive than normal.

In this case, Nuence recommends the FIRE range. This is also recommended for application after shaving. This range is fragrance-free and combines hydration and soothing.

Creme visage pour homme