What is the 5th season in TCM?
The Chinese calendar has the particularity of distinguishing 5 seasons: the 4 that we know, plus 1 central one. This 5th season returns several times during the year and the most important is at the end of summer...we are there between July 29 and August 15.
The off-season will allow the refocusing of energies . Indeed, during this period, the energy (Qi) returns to the center of Mother Earth to regenerate. It is therefore a pivotal moment before approaching the following season.
What element is associated with it?
The Earth element is the element of refocusing and is attributed to it a great power of transformation and assimilation...of foods but also of external energies without forgetting emotions...

Which part of the body should we prioritize?
The couple associated with this offseason is the Spleen/Stomach combination.
Spleen and stomach govern digestion and are essential to our physical and mental balance. It is thanks to their incredible work of assimilation that we manage to transform all the foods and liquids ingested into energy.
Which food to turn to?
It's time to reap the rewards, let's make the most of it! Let's take advantage of naturally sweet foods, very ripe fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes and wheat.
It's the time of year associated with sweet flavor.
Favor soft, warm and nourishing foods,
Examples of foods to favor: sweet potato, peas, eggs, coconut milk.

Conversely, avoid cold, raw or too fatty foods.
Good digestion reflects good energy in the Spleen. The Spleen does not like humidity. This can be provided by the direct environment (sea, water point, etc.) or by a diet that is too humid: dairy products, raw vegetables.
When excess moisture obstructs the Spleen, it creates a feeling of heaviness which can be felt in the limbs, but can also manifest as a feeling of having a "foggy" mind.
What self-massage could do me good?
The bear rubbing its belly:
Place the fists above the navel. Lower your fists by turning to the left and lean your torso slightly at the same time. Go back up to the right, passing below the navel and raising your chest.
By doing the bear exercise, we strengthen the Spleen and the stomach, we facilitate digestion and we nourish the blood.
What Qigong exercise to perform?
The Qi Gong movements that strengthen the Earth are those that balance our center: abdomen and digestive system.
Off-season tree pose: visualize the reassuring force of the Earth that nourishes you
Stand with your feet parallel, hip-width apart.
Following the inhalation, the hands rise to parallel height, at the height of the torso.
As you exhale, place your hands on either side of the pelvis, palms facing the Earth.
Release your shoulders, knees slightly bent, stay in the position for ten minutes, breathing slowly.
What if you recharged your batteries in yellow?
Surround yourself with yellow: clothes but also food (see above: cereals, legumes, wheat, eggs, sweet potatoes...).

What emotion is attached to this season?
When the energy of the Spleen is correct, reflection is positive , we memorize easily and we have good concentration. We think fairly, without excess, without procrastination. This is the ideal time to seek to recharge your batteries.
To take full advantage of this period of regeneration and refocusing on oneself, a visit to a TCM practitioner is recommended.
Do not hesitate to visit our community page to find the professional who will help you with the practice of massages, Qi Gong and for all other TCM advice.